- Clipart copies of the ITSA logo area available for download below
- Alternatively, the logo may be reproduced according to the following instructions (based on MS-Word).
- Font sizes should be proportional to the clipart, which uses:
- ITSA: 80 pt font
- Underline: 8pt font
- Words: 15 pt font
- Use SEGOE UI 80pt font to type the Letters “ITSA”
- Bold the “IT”
- Italisize the “SA”
- Use BLACK font color for “IT”
- Use BLUE font color for “SA”
- Insert TWO lines (Insert > Shapes > Lines)
- Both lines should be 8pt in width
- Use BLUE color for first-line (Under the “IT”)
- Use BLACK color for second-line (Under “SA”)
- Make sure both lines are connected and aligned
- Use SEGOE UI 15pt font to type the “Information Technology Students of America”
- Bold the text “Information Technology Students of America”
- Use BLACK font color for “Information Technology”
- Use BLUE font color for “Students of America”
- It is optional to include the words “Information Technology Students of America” either below or to the right of the ITSA letters
- The ITSA official Blue color is: Red: 0, Green: 112, Blue: 192 on the MS-Word Pallet
- The ITSA official Black color is Red: 0, Green: 0, Blue: 0 on the MS-Word Pallet
- Font sizes should be proportional to the clipart, which uses:
- If the size of the logo needs to be changed, the size of the fonts and lines should be kept proportional to each other.
- The text “Information Technology Students of America” may be placed either below or to the right of ITSA, as in the clipart.
Official ITSA Clipart (for approved use only by ITSA Affiliates)